Giving you control


Beware of cheap imitations!

All Turnstar full height industrial turnstiles are supplied complete with the ROTARUN perpetual base bearing. ROTARUN incorporates heavy duty stainless steel and industrial self lubricating plastics which ensure that your turnstile will keep turning forever, even if its under water. Beware of low cost Turnstar imitations often imported from the far east and India! The photograph below shows a ball bearing type arrangement which is currently covered with sand and a few nasty spiders. The sand eventually clogs the bearing and turning the turnstile becomes very difficult – as in the case of the turnstile photographed. Also, as the bearing is positioned close to the ground, water ingress in inevitable and causes serious corrosion. The ROTARUN base bearing is supplied with an industry leading 5-year guarantee and ensures a fit-and-forget solution.

Click here for more information on our full height industrial turnstile range.

Turnstile base bearing


COVID-19 Range Available

Our Covid-19 range is now available. Ensure a safe working environment during the Covid-19 outbreak.