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Bollards pour Landmark Pont

Bornes pour Mall of Africa

Turnstar a récemment remporté un contrat pour la fourniture et l'installation de bornes d'éclairage sur le nouveau pont téléphérique de Johannesburg.. The bridge which is an extension of the Rea Vaya bus system provides a new link between Sandton and Alexandra. Au total, 8 bollards will be installed, 4 on either side of the bridge. The bollards will be used to ensure that only BRT buses are granted accesss. Four of the bollards are being supplied with a special design head to match the fall of the road and special custom traffic light and control boxes will also be manufactured and installed.


Gamme COVID-19 disponible

Notre gamme Covid-19 est désormais disponible. Assurer un environnement de travail sûr pendant l'épidémie de Covid-19.