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When rust rears its ugly head

Rust is a reddish brown coating of iron oxide that is formed on steel by oxidation. It is most severe when the product is exposed to moisture. Vehicle barriers (portes de la rampe) are prone to rusting over time as they are usually installed outside and are exposed to the elements. Other manufacturers offer a barrier with a powder coated mild steel cabinet which has undergone a zinc phosphate treatment. Unfortunately, the zinc phosphate does not offer sufficient protection over the life expectancy of the product and rust will eventually occur. Rust can be a total eye sore to your entrance and will eventually force you to repaint (most likely by hand) the vehicle barrier cabinet.

Turnstar offre toute sa barrières de véhicules with a 3Cr12 stainless steel cabinet and powder coated finish. The cabinet is suitable for installation anywhere, even in coastal regions, and offers exceptional corrosion resistance and product longevity. A key advantage of the stainless steel material is the prevention of creep. When a coated steel product is scratched, that newly exposed steel is prone to rust. The rust then spreads underneath the neighboring paint and eventually all the paint work will flake off. Stainless steel prevents the creep of rust and areas which have paint which is still intact will remain protected.

barrière de véhicule rouille


Gamme COVID-19 disponible

Notre gamme Covid-19 est désormais disponible. Assurer un environnement de travail sûr pendant l'épidémie de Covid-19.