En vous donnant le contrôle

Physical Access Control Solutions for Gymnasiums

Turnstar offers a range of products perfectly suited for gyms and health clubs. These include revolving doors, turnstiles and speedstiles.

You’ll often find the entrance to your gym sees a lot of foot traffic throughout the day, especially at peak hours. This can cause two problems. Premièrement, overcrowded doorways can cause many annoyances and can even become a hazard. Deuxièmement, the constant opening and closing of doors can cause a draughty reception area, which could make your staff uncomfortable. Our portes tournantes et tourniquets proposer une solution efficace à ces problèmes,en.

Les gymnases et les clubs de santé ont également besoin de maintenir access control de tout temps. You want to limit access to your facilities to members and ensure that non-members are not entering the premises. You need an effective system in order to monitor who goes in and out of your gym. Our variety of speedstiles offer the perfect solution for this purpose.

Articles sur les gymnases

Projets de gymnases

Produits gyms


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Notre gamme Covid-19 est désormais disponible. Assurer un environnement de travail sûr pendant l'épidémie de Covid-19.