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Problème résolu pour Absa HQ dans KZN

ABSA’s brand spanking new head office in Umhlanga KZN was recently completed and handed over to the bank by the developer, Growthpoint. Cependant, there was a problem. The ultra modern 6 500 square meter property has one vehicle entrance and exit into the multi-level basement parking. The island which would accommodate the traffic barriers was extremely narrow (300mm) and couldn’t be changed. Turnstar’s new Velocity Traffic Barrier was the obvious choice as it is 256mm wide and fitted perfectly onto the island. En plus, the barriers were supplied with a ‘below polejackknife which maximizes headroom space and optical sensors instead of loop detectors, thereby providing vehicular safety in a non intrusive way.


Gamme COVID-19 disponible

Notre gamme Covid-19 est désormais disponible. Assurer un environnement de travail sûr pendant l'épidémie de Covid-19.